Date: 22 - 27 NOV 2024
The Place: Jericacoara is the ultimate winter windsurfing destination. Colin has been coming here for many years and his knowledge of the area is second to none.
Jericoacoara in Ceará, Brazil, is a small fishing village, which has become a beach hippie mecca, situated some 300 km west of Fortaleza. Jeri is a place removed from the hurried modern world of screeching sirens, maniac deadlines, traffic jams and endless lineups. A place where streets are paved with sand, where beaches stretch as far as the eye can see and where warm water marries with palm swaying breezes.
It's really the complete package that makes Jeri so incredible, not only can wind and sun be guaranteed from September to January every day, it’s also the great feeling you get in the place. At sunset the whole village, locals or tourists come down to beach for what could be described as a magical hour!
Some guys are playing football, others perform their Capoeira, some people walking up the big sand dune to get the best views of the sunset and others are just enjoying a cold beverage watching it all happening, whatever you feel like doing, its amazing to be part of this pretty unique atmosphere!
Coaching: The clinic includes 6 days coaching and is held over 7 days, from Sunday to Sunday with one day off during the week and includes on water action, on land theory and video sessions.
This clinic is held in the Bay of Jeri with options of some windsurf safari to find the best conditions. This clinic is aimed at first time wave sailors or people who want to improve their jumping - try some forward loops - and start to wave ride in cross/ cross offshore conditions.
Conditions: Jeri is the perfect spot to enjoy gentle waves for easy wave riding and jumping. With the consistent summer winds we’re almost guaranteed everyday on the water windsurfing plus epic morning surf and foil sessions.
Travel: We fly to Fortaleza airport in Brasil and from there you can take an overland transfer which takes around 4.5 hours and costs around 120€ per person (you can book with Ignacio at moralvisual@hotmail.com) or there is now an option to fly directly to Jericoacoara with Azul in around 1 hour.
The Package:
Equipment options:
We highly recommend bringing your own equipment but if you need to rent we suggest Tico Wind Jeri https://ticowindjeri.com/windsurf/rental/ . This is where the clinic will be based and they are also the best option for equipment storage.
Accommodation options:​
We will be staying at Windjeri https://windjeri.it/en/ which is right on the beach and includes free kit storage for guests.
There are also wide variety of other posadas available, we recommend looking on airbnb and booking.com to find the best deals. Any accommodation in the main town of Jeri is within 10 minutes walk fro the beach.
Temp: Hot! There is no need for wetsuits in Jeri, boardies and rashvest all they way!
What else to bring: We will as always being doing plenty of video coaching sessions, so be sure to bring a BIG USB to take home all of your footage.

Insurance: Insurance: We recommend VDWS insurance for all of our clinics, they charge an annul premium of 39 Euro and cover you worldwide for windsurfing and other sports and are totally worth it! Click here for more....

Check out the weather conditions

currency: Real
Average cost of a cuba libre: £3.50
Average cost of 'the best' steak dinner: £10
1 week coaching: 750€

Package prices are based on specific room occupancy and are subject to change by the tour operator, please contact us for a personalised quote.